The GT team built a discrete event model to test various schedule templates and resource allocation, and worked with the Sibley team to create an optimized scheduling model which minimized patient waits and visit durations, while giving the Sibley team time in the middle of the day with no patients in the clinic. Through these simulations, processes creating delays in the system were identified, and the Sibley team was able to modify these practices, through education and making necessary information available more quickly. The Sibley leadership team has provided feedback that physicians have reported positive improvements, including the days feeling less hectic and stressful, in the clinics with the new schedule. This methodology for developing a model of care was applied to the next project for this GA Tech Team – Designing Cancer Care For Kids By Kids
Zimring, C. & Denham, M., “Using the Engineering and Science of Healthcare Delivery to Improve the Experience of Care and Reduce Cost at Sibley Heart Center Cardiology (SHCC)”, Poster presented at the 2014 Pediatric Research Conference.