Dr. Brad Fain Announces HomeLab for Kids

HomeLab Kids is an extension of the existing HomeLab living laboratory of older adults to include a network of families with child participants.

"Georgia Tech is partnering with health and wellness researchers to develop a pediatric version of the successful HomeLab Research Initiative. HomeLab Kids seeks to fill important gaps in the understanding of how families manage a child's chronic condition, how families make decisions about healthcare to maintain health, and how children manage their own transitions to self-managed care. HomeLab Kids is a Living Laboratory to assist in understanding how health care is conceived, managed, and delivered in the home. Please reach out to Leanne West at lwest@gatech.edu for additional information.” - Dr. Fain

 Recruitment will focus on individuals with common childhood medical conditions, including asthma, juvenile diabetes, special dietary needs, ADHD, Autism spectrum disorders, and other chronic conditions.

HomeLab is A team of researchers with expertise in human factors, behavioral psychology, aging, experimental design, engineering, industrial design, project man- agement, and data analysis.

For more information, contact Leanne West.