Cystic Fibrosis Research and Translation Centers: P30 Pilot & Feasibility (P&F) Program

Pilot Program Director: Dr. Eric Sorscher;
Pilot Program Associate Director: Dr. Kathryn Oliver;
Internal Deadline: May 17, 2019 (Letter of Intent)


Request for Applications (RFA)
CF@lanta is seeking basic and translational pilot projects focused on cystic fibrosis disease pathogenesis and/or intervention. Since the applications will be part of an NIH/NIDDK P30 proposal, projects addressing intestinal, nutritional, or endocrine-related features of the disorder, impact of CF on metabolism, or how disease attributes are modified by exercise/activity will be given particular consideration. Awarded proposals will be issued $50,000-$75,000 in annual research support for up to two years. The anticipated start date will be late 2019 or early 2020.

All individuals eligible for P&F funding must have faculty appointments and be independent investigators. Postdoctoral fellows or their equivalent are not eligible. Eligible investigators generally fall into one of the three following categories:
1. New investigators without current or past NIH research support (R01, P01) as a PD/PI (current or past support from other sources should have been modest).
2. Established investigators with no previously funded work in CF who wish to apply their expertise to a problem in this area.
3. Established investigators who propose testing innovative ideas that represent clear departure from ongoing research interests.

Internal Submission Guidelines
Interested applicants should submit the following documents for consideration:
• Overview of specific aims and research design (one-page limit).
• NIH-style biosketch (five-page limit).

All materials should be sent as a single PDF file to Dr. Oliver by no later than May 17, 2019. Please insert “CF P30 P&F Application - Applicant Name” in the subject line of the email.

Please direct all inquiries to and/or