Assessing Variation in Care of Children's Perforated Appendicitis in Georgia

PI’s: Greg Rohling, Jason ZuttyEd Clarkson, & Mehul Raval

The purpose of our study was to develop a statistical model to provide data driven recommendations for the postoperative management of perforated appendicities. Our objective was to develop a model of case outcomes, on which we have built a prototype application for care providers, to help create treatment plans for the postoperative management of pediatric appendicities.

Specifically, we aimed to identify factors that would optimize length of stay while also providing healthcare providers and patients with information regarding complications including readmission. The result of this work is an initial iteratively-refined data model achieving an accuracy of 87% (88%/59% negative/positive predicted value; 75%/3% false negative/positive error rates), and a prototype smart protocol application under evaluation by pediatric appendectomy care providers.

Raval, M., Clarkson, E., Zutty, J., “Smart Protocol Design - Assessing Variation in Care of Children’s Perforated Appendicitis in Georgia, Data Driven Postoperative Appedicitis Care”, Presented at 2017 Southeastern Pediatric Research Conference, June 9, 2017.